Welcome to the



Join the PTSA and support student activities and events!

Enjoy Member Benefits:

HSS PTSA members have access to exclusive benefits and sponsor offers through the National PTA from vendors such as HP, MedicAlert, MetLife Auto & Home, OneCause Credit Card, Sharp Electronics, T-Mobile and Southwest Airlines. Go to the PTA Website to access these benefits, or click the link on the menu at left to download a brochure.

Other benefits include:

  • Access to practice SAT/ACT Test Prep
  • HSS PTSA scholarships for HSS Seniors
  • Volunteer opportunities

Tap into a Network/Speak Up/Get Involved:

HSS PTSA General Meetings and functions are opportunities to meet other parents, teachers, and administrators, building rapport and discussing issues at HS South that are on your mind.

Upcoming meetings for the 2024-25 school year are as follows: (check back frequently for updates!)

9/26 (inperson at HSS at 7pm), more information to come

There’s no better way to know what’s happening at High School South as PTSA sends regular email updates to members, and meetings are attended by High School South’s principal.

Access Great Resources:

PTSA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students: college information sessions, panel discussions, interesting and informative speakers, and many more.

  • Participate in Coffee with the Counselors – more information to come.
  • Take part in HSS/HSN volunteer/job fair

Stay Connected:

or to join the 2024-25 HSS PTSA WhatsApp group: contact Nandini at vpmembership@southptsa.org

Support the PTSA:


Join the WWP South PTSA